The Canadian Motorsport Historical Society is a registered Canadian federal government not-for-profit corporation, (CMHS). The CMHS was formed for the
purpose of preserving the history of as many disciplines of Canadian motorsport as possible and to make such history available to all interested persons and organizations. To that end,
the CMHS has undertaken to create an on-line digital archive that is searchable by not only the general public but scholars doing research.
Unlike a brick-and-mortar archive, all the information in the CMHS archive is stored digitally in the cloud and accessible worldwide for motorsport historians to do proper research.
Numerous private collections, club archives, race organization libraries combined with government archives, newspaper collections and local historical societies will contribute to the CMHS scanned information database while retaining their original documents. The focus of the CMHS is to preserve the information, not the artifact.
In the past race results, information, regulations, etc. were typed, mimeographed and distributed to participants. Today there is no paper trail of an event as the entry list, timing and scoring, results etc. are all produced digitally. For modern day racing all the event information can go directly to the cloud and be preserved in the Society's archives instantly for future generations.
Photographers once spent thousands shooting on film and were limited by the number of exposures they could afford. Today it is not unusual to shoot 1,000 photos a day covering an event. This entire raw data can be preserved along with the event info.
Since much of what we do today is subject to the delete button the CMHS archives will be a valuable secure and safe place for artifacts into the future.
Unlike a brick-and-mortar archive, all the information in the CMHS archive is stored digitally in the cloud and accessible worldwide for motorsport historians to do proper research.
Numerous private collections, club archives, race organization libraries combined with government archives, newspaper collections and local historical societies will contribute to the CMHS scanned information database while retaining their original documents. The focus of the CMHS is to preserve the information, not the artifact.
In the past race results, information, regulations, etc. were typed, mimeographed and distributed to participants. Today there is no paper trail of an event as the entry list, timing and scoring, results etc. are all produced digitally. For modern day racing all the event information can go directly to the cloud and be preserved in the Society's archives instantly for future generations.
Photographers once spent thousands shooting on film and were limited by the number of exposures they could afford. Today it is not unusual to shoot 1,000 photos a day covering an event. This entire raw data can be preserved along with the event info.
Since much of what we do today is subject to the delete button the CMHS archives will be a valuable secure and safe place for artifacts into the future.
President: Rick Sharples
Past President: Ed Moody
Secretary Treasurer: Mike Nilson
Chief Technical Officer: Rod Henderson
Production Director: Marcel Chichak
Fundraising Director: Paul Gulde
Digital Archivist: Ed Moody
Membership Director: Peter Rodwell
Director at Large: Pat Dowling